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A Vintage Bunny Birthday

I decided on the theme of “Vintage Bunny Birthday” for this year because Evie is in absolute love with her “lovies” which are two bunnies she has had since birth and has really clung on to since we took paci away. There aren’t many places Evie goes that the “nunnies” do not. And she has two… a […]

October 31, 2014

Baby & Kids, Entertaining, Lifestyle

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SUMMER GIVEAWAY!! You don’t want to miss this one!

I have partnered up with some AWESOME businesses for our big Summer Giveaway! I am so excited to share it with you all and I wish you the best of luck!! You can enter by going to any of our Facebook pages, or by entering at the space below. Check it out!!   a Rafflecopter […]

June 1, 2014

Baby & Kids, Lifestyle, Mamahood, Style

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My New Year’s Resolutions

On this second day of January I decided to write my New Year’s Resolutions. A day late, but better than never! I’ve been thinking about them for the past few days, I just hadn’t gotten them written down on paper (or computer). Before I list my 2014 resolutions, lets review my 2013 Resolutions and see […]

January 2, 2014

Lifestyle, Mamahood

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This Is Our Life- Well that was stressful…

Well, today has been… stressful… to say the least. Kyle and I waiting until the last minute to go to the DMV to get our NC drivers licenses. We have had the 52-page manual for a couple of weeks and really took some time to study it over the last couple of days. I was […]

December 12, 2013

Home, Lifestyle

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Evie’s 1st Birthday Celebration

Before we made our long trek down the East Coast to our new home in NC, I decided, last minute, to have a birthday party for Everleigh with family and friends. It was a disappointment for me because I LOVE LOVE LOVE decorating and planning for parties. It was also a bit heart-breaking for me […]

November 21, 2013

Baby & Kids, Entertaining, Lifestyle

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