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Mamahood, Working Mom

January 11, 2013

And the first week comes to an end…

My first week back to work was interesting.

I really enjoyed it the first day, I think because it was something new and different from how I had spent my days the previous twelve weeks. The hour drive to work was torturous, I was fighting tears the whole way, but once I got there it was fine. There are LOTS of changes going on and big things happening this year, so my first week back was a little crazy between trying to catch up and staying on track with all of the big projects that are starting.

By day #2 I was dreading going back to work and by Thursday I was thinking that it would be nice if my employer had a daycare on site and I could work full-time. Confused? I am.

I had thought, before getting pregnant, that I would absolutely want to work part-time to maintain my identity and sanity. However, by the end of my maternity leave, I was wishing I could stay at home and be a full-time mama.

Now I don’t know what I want!

It’s still early, but I have a feeling I’m not going to be a fan of the part-time mama, part-time working woman thing. I like to be fully engaged and with only working part-time at work, it makes it difficult when I’m missing things the other two days of the week.

However, this morning, realizing I got to spend the whole day with Evie was awesome and I’m, of course, enjoying it!

So who knows how the master plan will work itself out.

For now, I’m thankful that I get a little bit of both worlds and hopefully sometime soon will figure out which world is for me. Then we have to figure out how to make that world work smoothly.

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