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Mamahood, Pregnancy

February 14, 2018

Love is in the air; and we have some big news to share | Personal

For those of you that know me personally, you know we were DONE having kids after two. I had always wanted E to have a sister- and she got that in A. I felt, as soon as A was born, that our family was complete. I got rid of all the baby things, hired my dream photographer to take our family photos, paid lots of money for a canvas wall gallery to display them and was sure, even when my husband wasn’t, that we were done.

For awhile after having A, my husband would egg me on about having another; and I was very much in the “no way” phase. Despite A’s labor being a dream, I was still a bit traumatized by E’s. I wasn’t about to push my luck. A was also not as easy of a baby; making adding another less of a no-brainer. However, somewhere over the last, almost three years, since A’s birth, things shifted. I became open to the idea about a year ago when we were on our yearly getaway; just the two of us; convenient, yes? ha! Then, I became pretty adamant- mostly because I didn’t want A and the new babe to be far apart in age. Around this time, the hubby became a little more apprehensive. Maybe because it was more of a real thing? And, let’s be honest, going from a family of four to a family of five is kind of a big deal. You’re out numbered, a new car is usually needed, you have to get the huge table at the restaurant, not everyone fits in a cart (unless you score one of those awesome  Target buggys). Things just get more… complicated.

Despite all of that and the constant back and forth… should we, shouldn’t we. We left it up to God- I figured if he thinks we (I) can handle another one, another one we shall have. We just let go of natural family planning and also “trying to conceive” to see what happened. Sure enough, four months later (after two “scares”- and after the first, a month off, because I had a panic attack- WHAT ARE WE DOING?!) we got a positive test. I’ll be honest, when you’re unsure of what’s ahead, the anticipation of waiting for a positive or negative is that much greater and quite an emotional roller coaster: joy, fear, excitement, FEAR. But, yes, WE’RE PREGNANT!

Now that the first trimester is over- let me tell you- it was an awful one- did you know they don’t really give zofran anymore? That was a bit of a downer to hear. Luckily for me I had Ningxia Red (antioxidant drink) and peppermint oil to help! Anyway, the first trimester was terrible- the worst one yet. I’m finally starting to feel better at almost 15 weeks, but still have days of just feeling like crud.

So, here’s something else that’s pretty cool. WE’RE HAVING A BOY!!! How do we know this you ask? (I know you don’t think I’m of advanced maternal age!). A friend who was expecting posted on her Instagram about an early detection test called Sneak Peek Test. Y’all know I have NO PATIENCE, so I knew I was going to have this test one way or another! I contacted the company and they were so sweet to send me one to try and write a review about to share with you guys!

SneakPeek is a simple blood test (fingerstick) that allows you to determine baby’s DNA with 99% accuracy as early as nine weeks. YES- SIGN ME UP! I was super excited to find this and talk with the marketing team there to find out about the product and how it worked. And guys, you can buy it on amazon. Life does not get much easier or convenient. There are two options- the regular for $79 (this give you results within 24 hours of your test being received) and the Fast Track for $150 (this gives you gender within 72 hours of placing your order for your kit).
When my SneakPeek test arrived I was very impressed at the clear instructions and testing equipment. I feel like most of you have probably had a fingerstick test done before, ya? If not, you can watch lots of youtube videos on people using the kit, and Sneak Peek is always providing product and testing information for it’s users.

It was super simple; the only issue I had was that it was a FRIGID week in NC and by the time my sample made it to CA, it was frozen, making it impossible for Sneak Peek to perform their quality testing. They sent me out another test, on rush delivery, and expedited my results on the backend too. Customer service and communication was excellent.

I had my email results within 12 hours of them receiving my sample (you get an email to let you know). When I first got it, I will admit, I was a bit devastated. A BOY?! What do I do with a boy?! Then by the time morning came around, I was pretty darn excited. Lord knows I cannot handle anymore drama and whining. God knew I needed a bit of calm (albeit, likely very active) energy in my life!

I am a bit sad that our girl tribe days are over (unless come mid-March my results vary from the ones shared today- which I will definitely report back on!). BUT, we’re super excited to be adding another little human to our tribe and are excited for the difference a boy will bring to the table!

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